"Ostatnia szansa - zachowanie bioróżnorodnoÅ›ci dla nastÄ™pnych pokoleÅ„"
Projekt Erasmus+
w Liceum OgólnoksztaÅ‚cÄ…cym
im. Bolesława Chrobrego w Gryficach
The meeting of the students who took part in the mobility in Italy with the students
of Gimnazjum nr 3 z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi (Junior High School No 3) in Gryfice
Date: March 15, 2016
Venue: Community Centre in Gryfice
Participants of the meeting:
The students of Liceum OgólnoksztaÅ‚cÄ…ce im. BolesÅ‚awa Chrobrego in Gryfice, the members of the school Project Club who took part in the first short – term student exchange in Italy implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ project,,Ostatnia szansa – zachowanie bioróżnorodnoÅ›ci dla nastÄ™pnych pokoleÅ„”
The students of Gimnazjum nr 3 z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi in Gryfice
Aims of the meeting:
1. Disseminating the project and its results in the local community
2. Increasing the knowledge of the local community about selected issues relating to biodiversity
3. Developing European awareness and an active European citizenship among local communities
4. Encouraging schools in the region to participate in European educational projects
5. Presentating the aims and the activities carried out during the mobility in Italy implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ project,,Ostatnia szansa – zachowanie bioróżnorodnoÅ›ci dla nastÄ™pnych pokoleÅ„” to the students of Gimnazjum nr 3 (School No. 3)
During the meeting with the students of Gimnazjum nr 3 in Gryfice the students participating in the first mobility in Italy presented:
a multimedia presentation prepared by themselves; the presentation discussed the objectives of the project, preparation to the mobility and the students' stay in Italy
a film showing the most important activities and events that took place during the mobility
the subject matter of the mobility connected with the threats to the species and ecological biodiversity in Europe; the students discussed materials which they had prepared (photo reports, multimedia presentations)
The members of the School Club Project - participants of the mobility in Italy also shared their impressions related to science workshops, CLIL lessons and trips in which they participated. They talked about their new friends - peers from Italy, Spain, Turkey and Romania.