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Educational trip to the Politechnika Koszalińska, which was carried out within the project „Ostatnia szansa – zachowanie bioróżnorodności dla następnych pokoleń”


Lectures and LAB workshops “Biological methods of processing organic waste”,

“Different faces of water”, “LAB of energy biomass” 

in Politechnika Koszalińska prepared and carried  

as one of the steps of preparing the students

from Bolesław Chrobry Secondary School in Gryfice

to take part in mobility to Spain...

Event date: March 3, 2016


Venue: Laboratories and lecture halls in Politechnika Koszalińska



Professor doktor habilitowany (recommended by a fully qualified faculty board and granted by the Central Commission for Academic Titles and Degrees) Kazimierz Szymański, who is manager of Katedra Gospodarki Odpadami, LABs of: gas chromatography, nuclear spectroscopy, water and wastes researches, liquids and gases mechanics.

Professor doktor habilitowany (recommended by a fully qualified faculty board and granted by the Central Commission for Academic Titles and Degrees) Tadeusz Piecuch, manager of Katedra Techniki Wodno-Mułowej I Utylizacji Odpadów, LABs of: hydroslim technique, the process of machining physico-chemical and thermal treatment of waste and industrial wastewater.



Students of Bolesław Chrobry Secondary School in Gryfice (from classes: IIc, IId, IIf, IIIc, IIId) took part in these lectures and LAB workshops.


Aims of event:

1. Getting information and skills, which are necessary to prepare the presentations “Species of plants and animals, which are placed in Czerwona Księga Zagrożonych Gatunków” and “Protection of species of plants and animals in Poland”,

2. Getting academic publications “Protecting environment, 2010-2015), which are necessary to prepare the presentations, which will be taken to Spain,

3. Improving knowledge and skills of information about protecting environment and  species and genetic biodiversity by students of second and third classes of Bolesław Chrobry Secondary School in Gryfice, who are learning biology on advanced level. These students include people, who are taking part in the School Project Club,

4. Getting information, which is necessary to carry researches and nature observations, analyzing obtained results,

5. Raising knowledge of ecology among our students.


Topics of lectures and lab:

1. Biological methods of processing organic waste.

2. Composting as one of the methods of processing organic waste.

3. Energy using of biomass.

4.Renewable sources of energy.


Students from School Project Club, because of preparing mobility to Spain, took part in lectures and LAB workshops in Poltechnika Koszalińska. These activities were organized during the open day of this institution. This event had to improve students’ knowledge of the natural sciences. The students took part in these activities to get some information. They got knowledge about utilization organic waste (for example composting) and they learnt about advantages of using energy biomass, which people can process to a biogas. Students had a chance to improve their skills of carrying researches, making observations and conclusions. They also got materials, which will be used during the project Erasmus + “Last chance – saving biodiversity for the future generations”.


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