"Ostatnia szansa - zachowanie bioróżnorodnoÅ›ci dla nastÄ™pnych pokoleÅ„"
Projekt Erasmus+
w Liceum OgólnoksztaÅ‚cÄ…cym
im. Bolesława Chrobrego w Gryficach
Preparation of the students
from „Chrobry” High School
in Gryfice for the mobility in Spain
Shortly after the results of recruitment were announced, started the time of intensive preparation. The students took part in extra classes organized and carried by scientific workers in Polytechnic in Koszalin. The aim of the classes was to broaden the knowledge and skills of the students in the field of environment protection and biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem variation. Acquired information and researches completed there, allowed them to increase their ecological awareness.
Just in a few days the students from “Chrobry” High School in Gryfice will set off for the second Erasmus+ project’s mobility, which will be held in sunny Spain. The school community will be represented by: Dawid Gajewski (class II b), Kaja Karczewska (class II f), Bartosz Ronkowski (class II f), Paula Szatkowska (class II d), Nikola Terka (class II d), Julia TrzebiÅ„ska (class II f) and Magdalena Urban (class I f)
The next task, which was waiting for the participants of the mobility, was a trip to Wolin National Park, which is one of the topics of presentations for the journey to Spain. The students from our high school, after talking with the management and scientists of Wolin National Park, came back with knowledge and materials essential for realization of the aims concerning the next mobility.
„The First Day of Spring” was also organized on local and school level. The aim of the party was to promote the project in local community and encourage students to participate in other mobilities. In order to promote students’ actions, there were held many radio broadcasts in the local radio station. There were also articles about the realization of the tasks published in local press.
As part of the preparations of the participants of the next mobility, there were organized workshops in English, geography and culture and psychology and ways of dealing with stress. The most important part of the preparations were the workshops in biology.
The crowning of the long-term preparations was a meeting with the participants; parents, where the representatives of the high school informed about the details of the mobility.
The students can now count the days down until their trip on Friday
Our materials prepared to mobility
Pictures and sounds to audiovisual exhibition
PL: mikołajek nadmorski
eryngium maritimum
EN: sea holly / seaside eryngo
PL: dÅ‚ugosz królewski
osmunda regalis
EN: royal fern
PL: honkenia piaskowa
honckenya peploides
EN: sea sandwort
PL: okrzyn jeleni
laserpitium archangelica
EN: laser-wort
PL: wodniczka
acrocephalus paludicola
EN: aquatic warbler
PL: podróżniczek
luscinia svecica
EN: bluethroat
PL: wÄ…satka
panurus biarmicus
EN: bearded reedling
PL: żubr
bison bonasus
EN: european bison
PL: traszka karpacka
lissotriton montandoni
EN: carpathian newt